Posts tagged ‘learning cooperatives’

Audio Links for 08/08/08

Here are some pretty cool audio links that I’ve been listening to over the past couple of days:

  • Creating a Learning Co-Op from the Radio Free School. You can download or stream it here (to download for mac computers: ctrl+click and choose save file as).

This is a very interesting discussion with the author of Creating a Cooperative Learning Center, Katharine Houk. I’d never heard of this book before, but now I’m very intrigued to read it. The interview is a brief overview of the author’s story of how she, other unschoolers, and homeschooling families developed a cooperative learning center in New York, how it functions, and how it has developed over time. The book apparently is the same thing (but more in depth) and plus materials and guidelines on how to set up the cooperative learning center, how to organize it, how to advertise for it, and lot’s of other day-to-day stuff you need to do. Seems very cool – I plan on checking it out. Has anyone else ever heard of it?

  • Voices from a People’s History of the United States – performed at Mount Holyoke College with Howard Zinn. Download: Part 1, Part 2. (Same downloading instructions for mac).

Now, this is a really awesome performance from readings of the book Voices from a People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, students of Mount Holyoke college, and other community members of Western Massachusetts. Not only is it a phenomenal history lesson, but an amazing and moving thing to hear. Listen to it while riding a bike, or driving, or walking, or working, or whatever – but I really recommend it. (Also: it was a benefit for Jobs with Justice – so I feel like I should plug that).

August 8, 2008 at 3:47 pm 1 comment


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